Chem Trails Ultranova / Mininova sound set
Chem Trails
The Novation Ultranova is a wonderfully deep synthesizer with a wide range of sonic capabilities. The Fluxwithit Sound Design pack "Chem Trails" is all about utilizing the Ultranova in ways that take advantage of its powerful synthesis engine. Utilizing extensive modulations, touch controller mapping and deep exploration of the ultranova's capabilities Chem Trails exceeds in creating fresh original content to keep you inspired.
Over 50 patches created from scratch with extensive modulation
special care has been taken to ensure the most pristine sounds are created free unwanted artifacts.
To add this bank simply open your ultranova Librarian with your Nova connected.
click on a bank with at least 51 free slots open. select the first slot, right click and use the Import Sysex dialog. navigate to the Chem Trails sysex file and you are ready to go.
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